alivyah marie hawkinberry.
maiden name alivyah thomas date of birth + age june 15th, 1990 + 27 birthplace las vegas, nevada residence chicago, illinois sexuality bisexual relationship status happily married

Alivyah Marie Thomas was born June 15th, 1990 in Las Vegas, Nevada to Allen and Crystle. She was the second born child and the first daughter. When Alivyah was almost five years old she lost her mother, she had passed away due to complications during surgery. Her older brother Gunner was essentially left to raise himself, her and their baby sister while their father struggled with his depression over losing the love of his life. Growing up this way she had middle child syndrome and fear of everyone around her leaving her. She learned to play instruments in order to channel her own depression into something positive. She tends to have a very positive outlook on life and befriends everyone so they won’t feel as alone as she does.

Her real, true passion has always been art and music. She tried to form a band of her own when she was in high school and it did not go so well, they spent more time doing drugs and screwing around than practicing and writing music. She currently is in a band with her brother and a few other lucky folks. They are very passionate in their musical career and enjoy being on stage. The crowd goes wild for them and Ali enjoys meeting fans and making them smile. She has no problem signing autographs and taking pictures with them, she just asks that they tag her on instagram or facebook so she can share in their experience.

Relationships are always difficult for Alivyah, she doesnt trust easily and frequently feels like she is not good enough to be in a relationship. She is openly asexual but has dated both sexes and neither is easier on her than the other. Her relationship was with a boyfriend whom tried to pressure her to marry him and have his children, so badly in fact that he had been replacing her birth control. Hence, an addition to her issues with trust. Essentially she lives a sex free life at the moment. She wants to focus on the band and not living a life full of pressure and obligation.

In October of 2015 Alivyah was taken aback when she went to the emergency room due to extreme abdominal pain. She had assumed that she had food poisoning or maybe appendicitis but to her surprise she was pregnant and going into labor. She had noticed slight weight gain but had normal or normal for her menstruation and didn’t think anything of it. When she was handed her miraculously healthy baby boy she was overwhelmed with emotions but knew in her heart she had to keep the little one. She named him Elijah Gunner Thomas, Gunner after her brother who was at her side when she gave birth.

It didnt take her long to contact the biological father. She knew that he wasnt a family man and she never saw herself having anything other than a physical relationship with him. To her surprise after and dna test and letting the news sink in of course; Austin Hawkinberry gave his son his last name but more importantly he gave him a father, something that Austin never had and she never thought that her son would have either. Austin and Alivyah began an actual relationship and moved in together, defying the odds that were against them. They moved into the cute little family and struggle with the idea of being parents.

various facts facts to come later